Last month we launched a variety of colorful palette from mustard to the pantone color of the year in our home furnishing curtain range. Options create variety but bring in confusion too. We understand as visual creatures color plays an enormous role in how you we feel, think and interact. So choosing a color is isn’t about what you love but what works for you.
Sally Augustin, PhD., principal at Design with Science said there is scientific evidence that color, texture and light impacts the thoughts and productivity of a person. Research suggests that people feel more energized and healthy when they see yellow and green. But pink finds itself among the non healthy choices.
Does it mean we shall all paint our houses with yellow and become healthy? Well I am afraid the answer is no. People’s response to color is very subjective and remains entitled to their perception. We often find our suggestion of pink to our customers to be uninspiring but when we present it with terracotta they find it interesting. So, next time your husband disagrees with your color choice play around that shade and more importantly give him some nice words.
For businesses color and texture play a vital role and influence the buying trend among customers.
Businesses choose colors to influence their customers and design offices to get more productivity. Red is the brand color of Ferrari and who wouldn’t love to work at the Etsy office. For us we know our home furnishing fabric becomes integral part of people’s home and lives. So, when we plan a collection we look for color and material which people love to associate for a long time.
For homes, the challenge is not the color but whose choice will win is the issue. So, before rejecting a
particular color it is important to look into the shades which work for both of you and helps you bring in calm way before the calming hues. Considering the area you wish to color and how it should make you feel can help you choose a shade. You might not want a vibrant shade in your bedroom where you relax after a hard day’s work instead you can use that in the kitchen. So it’s important you make a feel layout of home architecture.
We understand it is a open ended guide to select the right color. As Sally rightly said “If you are making a big investment in changing your home or your office, it’s worth the time to be sure you have researched the science behind It.” and also how you feel about it.